Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Here it is

Finally complete, My Machinima "Marinima"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Machinima Name

I've been holding off the Machinima name for a while because I couldn't find a name for it, But it may be along the lines of "Marine Wars" or something like it, maybe something original. But hopefully I can choose a name soon

Start Filming

I have just started filming with most of my content imported into Unreal, heres a small raw footage that will be used for my Machinima....of course...there will be voice over in this scene....


These will be the animations that will be performed on my Machinima

Money Shot

Here's a Money shot of my Blue Marine

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Level Design with animations

Here is a few animations that was made by me which is tested within the Machinima level. By replacing some of the original UT animations, I'm able to include my walk cycle, Sitting animation and sitting idle animation in Unreal Tournament. I was not able to remove the gun from the animation but I'll probably find a way

Level Design

These are some of the screenshots of the level design and content for the Machinima Movie using the Unreal Engine

Locker Room
Trophy and Weapon, Hopefully I will be able to use these models as a weapon so my character will be able to hold the object in its hand

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

2nd UT Tes

This is just another video of how the character plays in a UT game level

First UT Import

This is the First Import of my character into the UT engine, there was no skinning or rigging involved at this point but instead used the Original UT animations. Almost the whole character fits in with the original UT animations except that it has very skinny arms

This is the image showing the skinny arms

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Here is my second character where i change the colour tone to red so it has the opposing effect towards the blue marine

I've also added a hawk picture on the shoulders to make look a bit different, I might add a different picture to the blue marine's shoulder pads

This podium and bench would be props for my machinima, they will be added as static mesh to the Unreal Editor

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Finally textured my blue Marine Character. The 2nd character will be red so all I would have to to do is change the colour filter and the second character will be ready

Friday, August 31, 2007

This is a rendered version of the Marine that has been smoothed and skylight used. This image was one of the required submission for Week 7 3D Class
Here is where I moved the texture around a bit so that most of the empty spaces are used. I moved the shoulder, elbow an d knee pads to the Head Texture and enlarged them, and enlarged some of the parts in the body so that more detail can now be added to each part compare to before

Here are the 2 texture maps that will now be properly textured in Photoshop to give a proper texture to the character. The head has a bigger sized texture in order to fit more graphic and detail into it due to close ups for the Machinima. The Body doesn't need as much detail but there's a lot of wasted space in the head texture that could've been used for some body parts as will. In the Body texture, you may notice there is only 1 arm and 1 leg. Here is when I'm going to clone the arm and leg for each side that will use the same texture

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Character Unwrap

This Marine is made into 1 mesh ready to be unwrap for texturing. In order to unwrap properly, a checker texture is used on the mesh so that it's easier to map the texture so it doesn't obscure the actual texture when it is implemented

This is when a checker texture is put straight onto it, and as you can see it has a lot of UV mapping to do. Like the UT textures, they use a seperate between the Head and the Body, I'm doing the same deal so that the texture map of the head would be much larger for better detail

Here's a finished unwrap of the Head

A finish unwrap of the body, instead of doing more work for the other hand/body, UV unwrap is first used then cloned and attached to the other side

Here's a finish Unwrap so that the Main texture can now be created

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Machinima Animatic

I have uploaded my Machinima Animatic on to the web, the animatic was based from the storyboards and enchanced by Adobe After Effects that is turned into an animatic video. I recorded my own voice for the dialogue(and some sound effects) for the animatic, but will be using real voice actors and sound effects for the actual machinima. The animatic will give an idea of what the actual machinima will look like and how long it goes for which works out to be approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds. SOme of the sound effects like the running footsteps wasn't properly implemented as it had to be found fast from the web in order to finish the animatic to meet the deadline

Machinima Animatic

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I first started with the torso which was made during a class and then expanded to make arms and legs, the body has been work to make it look human and organic for the upper body but lots of detail is still needed, Head still needs to be doneA lot of polygons is used in the head as there will be close ups in the machinima so detail would be required, Knee and arm pads are also add as a excluded mesh. But the model still needs to look more organic and human

Shoulder pads are added and also more detail in the body, the model is just about ready to be textured, maybe some more little detail will be added

Script Dialogue

This is the Link to my Machinima Dialogue


This is basic Storyboard on what will happen in the Machinima movie

Background Story

The Red Marine holds a title and reputation of being one of the world's best fighters and therefore he is sure of himself that he could beat any human alive in a duel. Meanwhile a tournament is being held for the Red Marine to defend his title this year, Little did he know that he was about to face his match this year in the tournament. The Blue Marine comes with a Cinderella story where he is not a known fighter but overpowers the Red Marine and take the title
A more Updated Concept of what the character will look like which is more masculine and mature than last concept

This is just a concept of a stance of the character holding a gun, the gun will be designed at a later stage

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Character Design

1st character concept: I like the armour design but it has child-like body type, so I'll re-draw it to give a more masculine figure but not bulky build

Project Overview

My Machinima will be about two marine warriors fighting in an arena battleground to compete for the title of the World Best Fighters Tournament. The game-like characters has similar characteristics to gaming characters such as Masterchief from Halo, Jango Fett and the clone troopers from Star Wars. The Arena would be like a Deathmatch game level for the characters to fight in. The game level will be a semi outdoor environment which will look like a courtyard. It will consist gray cement pillars, platforms and walls, grassy patches and bushes on the lawn and the sun will shine through the center on the courtyard.

The 2 marines will first meet in the locker room where one of them will try and discourage the other one from winning and will also boast of how good of a fighter he is. They will then start the gun fire fight against each other in the arena using their skills to dodge, shoot, aim, and move around. The marine that was the victim of the other's taunts will then win and obtain the trophy to show his accomplishment. When the marine leaves with the trophy, he would get shot in the back by the loser and the loser marine would then steal the trophy and walk off.